Spot a Scholar

A Study Group Application

Spot a Scholar

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Table of Contents


Spot a Scholar is an application that organizes student-led study sessions for courses. This allows for people to both teach and learn from one another.

There will be a section that will list ICS courses, and within this course, the users can see both the tutors and the ones who need tutoring. Users can then contact each other through the app to set up a time and place to meet within ICSpace. There will be an online calendar to show the meetings and who is attending.

Spot a scholar can be used to schedule a study session, or to find a tutor who is available to help with the problem you are having at the current moment.


The goal is to encourage face-to-face study groups and peer mentorship to enhance how students learn material for their courses. This can be done by providing an easy-to-use and streamlined application where setting up these sessions is quick and simple. However, there may be a psychological barrier to getting students to ask for help. As a solution, an incentive/reward system can be implemented that rewards users who participate in sessions. What this entails is still up for discussion.

User Guide

This section provides information on the user interface and features of our application.

Landing Page

This is the first page everyone sees when they view our website.

Sign Up Page

Here users can create an account, allowing access to the features of Spot a Scholar. After creating an account, the user will be directed to the user profile page where they’ll be able to edit their profile. ___

Login Page

Returning users who have already created accounts can log in here. ___

Home Page

Logged-in users see this page with all available features ___

User Profile Page

Here, users can edit their profiles by changing their pictures, current courses, class standing, etc.

This is the create user profile page.

This is what the show user profile page currently looks like. It displays the user’s information in a card, and has an edit button to edit the profile. ___

ICS Section Page

Users can view the various ICS classes, as well as the professors and students that are associated with each class. Users can click on a particular ICS class that takes them to the Create Meeting page, to create a meeting for that specific class. ___

Create Meeting Page

Users can schedule a meeting date, location for hosting, and material they are planning on studying.

This is an example of what the Create Meeting Page might look like ___

List Meetings Page

Users can view all scheduled meetings, join desired meetings, and view participants of the meeting. ___

Leaderboard Page

When users create meetings, they gain points. The top point scorers are displayed on the leaderboard to incentivize collaboration. ___

Admin Meeting List Page

A page for authorized users to view all meetings and remove them from the system. ___


Scoring (Out of 5):

Tanner O.
Aesthetic: 5
Functionality: 5
! Ease of Use: 5
Comments: This is a heater

Colby C:
Aesthetic: 4
Functionality: 4
Ease of Use: 5
Comments: Good enough cause even I know how to use it

Velika Y:
Aesthetic: 3
Functionality: 5
Ease of Use: 5
Comments: Nice concept

Joshua A:
Aesthetic: 4
Functionality: 5
Ease of Use: 5
Comments: Banger app

Sherise P:
Aesthetic: 3
Functionality: 5
Ease of Use: 5
Comments: Whoever picked these colors needs to be replaced


Spot-a-Scholar is deployed on digital ocean here


Milestone 1

Digital Ocean Deployment

Milestone 2

Milestone 3


Spot a Scholar was created by Adrian Peng, Brayden Suzuki, Carl Domingo, Gavin Ng, and Leo Liang. All members have agreed to the team contract found here
